Thursday, June 18, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

In the gospel this weekend, Jesus calms the storm while out on the sea with his friends. After a long day, trying to get away from the crowds Jesus suggested they take some time apart for themselves. I imagine a little quiet time, some restful conversation, a few laughs,  a bite to eat...all on the opposite shore. It should have been a relaxing ride over there.
But a storm comes up and the boat is getting tossed about, his fishermen friends get nervous, wake him (wake him? How tired was he that he fell right asleep??)  and ask him to do SOMEthing. I wonder what they thought he would do? It seems to me this must still be on the earlier side of their relationship because of their amazement at the end of the story--who IS this that even the wind and sea obey him?? Why were they surprised? They asked him to do something to save them, to take care of them, and he did.
It must have stung a bit when Jesus makes that remark about their lack of faith...really? Come on?
The storm had to be pretty bad for fishermen to be afraid of the sea! Can't Jesus cut them some slack? But in the end, they are filled with awe at what Jesus had done.

What has filled you with awe lately? Really, made you stop and lose your breath? Was it the look in your child's eyes in a tender moment? Was it the touch of a loved one's hand on your face? Was it the sunlight through the trees as you wandered through the park? Was it the sound of little ones playing in the park? God's love and care for us is everywhere if we have eyes and heart open to see.

It's Father's Day this weekend. Like many little girls growing up my dad was my first hero. I thought he could do anything. I though he knew everything. I loved spending time with him. I loved when I could make him laugh and when we had thoughtful conversations. I hated the two times something I had done made him cry. I remember being surprised as I got older when I learned that not everyone had a father as wonderful as mine. I realize how easy it is for me to think of God as a 'loving father' because I had one myself.  My memories of my dad fill my heart with gratefulness and with awe. I miss him everyday, but lots on Father's day...

After a busy day, my dad would sometimes want to take a ride down to the beach or a walk around the block. No matter how crazy things could get, in that quiet time my dad could find a way to make most things seem better.

So when I hear this reading this weekend, about Jesus calming his friends down, even in the face of a storm at sea, I'll think of my dad. Who, like Jesus, in my little girls mind, could fix anything.

I invite you to think about who are the people in your life who fill you with awe, with love?  Whoever they are, make sure they know how special they are to you!

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