Thursday, October 29, 2015

What shall we become?

I've prayed a lot with the Beatitudes lately, and recalled some really important funerals, my friend, my Dad, where this was the reading chosen as the Gospel. It gives me comfort and hope, and for that I am most grateful.

Today I am caught by Paul's words in the second reading..."We are God's children now, what we shall be has not yet been revealed."  It makes me wonder what plans God may still have in store for me. As the winter darkness approaches, as days get shorter and colder and my whole being wants to hide under the covers until it's warm again...I wonder...could there be new dreams still in store for me? Does God have more still for me to do? How will I know what path I should travel next?

These two quotes by amazing women were shared with me last week:

You have created me. What do you want me to do?   Teresa of Avila

I am not afraid. I was made for this.    Joan of Arc

I must admit, even typing that quote from Joan frightens me...I am not that brave, at least I don't think I when I ask God what does He want me to is with a bit of trepidation...because, I live a pretty simple life and I'm not sure I'm courageous enough for something big and different.

But, Paul says, 'what we shall be has yet to be revealed' maybe there is more in me than I know.

As we head into November and a cold winter...I give myself over to the hope that God knows what he is doing in my life...I just have to trust and listen to his call.

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