Thursday, May 13, 2021

Who Do You Belong To?

This August two of my nieces will leave their mother's home to go off to the far away lands of North Carolina and California to pursue college degrees. I am so proud of them. I am heartbroken for my sister, who will miss their daily presence in her life and home so much more than I can begin to imagine.

I think of this in relation to the Gospel this coming Sunday. 

We hear in this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus' "Priestly Prayer", where he prays that his disciples will remain united in spirit and love with him and the Father. He speaks of how they will survive as disciples in a world that may hate them, or hate what they stand for. He asks that they be consecrated in truth. What a beautiful pray this is, how poignant. 

I wonder if this isn't a prayer that parents might feel in their very souls each time their kids walk out the door and into what can certainly be a very big and threatening world? 

As a parish community we are ready now to 'send out' our neophytes, all those adults who were received into our community at Easter. They have finished their preparation, have been baptized and fully initiated, and they are truly one with us in faith. Some will move away, others will stay here in the parish. It is all our jobs now to welcome them into our ministries, masses, prayers and activities. 

Especially as we begin to gently open up our doors and hearts in a recovering post Covid world, we need to think about how we want to BE church again. What are we looking forward to? What would we do differently this time around?  I don't know about you but I really can not wait to see your smiles and be able to hug again!

When I think of that opening question: Who do you belong to? I know the answer is: we belong to God! But I know too, as a community of believers that we truly belong to one another as well! It is with that thought in mind that we want to say: 'it's time to come home to St Francis!'

We have been smart and safe during the last year and two months. Our church is clean, our staff is vaccinated, our pews are taped for safe distancing...and we can't wait to see you once more.

So, as soon as you feel comfortable doing so, please come home to church! We will welcome you with open arms (and air hugs!) 

These gospel readings we hear this week and next remind us that there are times when we must take our leave, but we always know where home is to come back to.

Welcome home!

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