Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Different Point of View

 Are you a beach person? I know I am! There's nothing like the beach to calm me down and help me sort out all that's going on in my life. The beach absolutely soothes my soul. Some writers have said that the sea is a 'liminal space', a place for growth and change. I know with every fiber of my being, that is true for me!

 I love when our gospel stories take place on a beach! Who doesn't like a boat ride after a long day of work? It's not by accident that Jesus invites his friends to "cross to the other side" of the water with him. This might remind them of their own ancestors crossing through the Red Sea in search of freedom from slavery. Might Jesus be inviting them to free themselves from the doubts and worries that bind them?

 We wonder, why did Jesus fall asleep in the tired was he? And why, as the trip got more treacherous, wasn't he up front helping his friends bail water out of the boat? How could he be so calm that he stayed asleep?

 It could be that falling asleep might be seen as the ultimate sign of trust in God-Jesus had no worries, he knew they would be OK. The fishermen disciples as yet, have no idea who Jesus really is, so how could they be expected to be calm? From their perspective, everyone was supposed to be working to save the ship....and this carpenter dude was not pulling his weight! They can be forgiven for their lack of faith, because they didn't yet understand.  It's OK if we're not always's OK if we're on the way...some days, most days, we don't fully understand. We are works in progress, just like those first disciples!

 Only God has control over the sea and the storm, so this is the dawning of the disciples understanding that Jesus is more than a good preacher...they see for a fleeting moment, the divine in him. Can you imagine how amazed they must have been? They must have been filled with awe.

Their amazement, though, needs to deepen into real faith. Like the mustard seed last week, time will help their faith grow.

 How many of us wonder what is going to happen for the Catholic Church in the days to come? For the last year and a half folks have gotten very comfortable sipping coffee on their couches on Sunday mornings and watching Mass on YouTube. Will we find a reason to go back to sharing Eucharist and worshiping together in a church building? Do we think we still need a parish community to help us live out our faith? Do we need the institutional structure that oversees the Catholic church? All really serious and important questions for us to ponder.

 God continues to be with us in our Church, despite our failings and sinfulness, even if we don't know what the future holds! Will the church of the future be better or worse than today? I hope with all my heart it will be better, stronger, more devoted to discipleship! We don't know, but in faith, we trust it WILL be here in some form and God will still be in charge!

 From where we stand on the other side of the beach, what is our perspective? Are we open to transformation, both personally and as a church community?  Are we filled with wonder and awe at what God can do, or are we afraid?

The story of Jesus falling asleep on the boat isn't about Jesus ignoring the danger around the boat, but rather, this story is about inviting us to 'the other side' so we can see both him and the world in a different way. From this new perspective, this new horizon, what do you see? Now that you've seen a glimpse of the divine, how will you live your life differently? 

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