Thursday, August 6, 2015

Be Compassionate

St Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians today: "Be kind to one another, compassionate, ...."
I find the word 'compassionate' resonating with me today as I anticipate Sunday.

We have received a surprising amount of phone calls this week that began with the words: "I used to be a member of St X church...but they closed last week and I'm looking for a place to...worship, come to Mass, baptize my child, find a 'faith home'..." We knew we might get some phone calls, some folks at Mass...but there have been more than I would have imagined.

I feel deeply for these parishioners with no parish, who find themselves searching for a new place to be nurtured and fed. And I'm so glad they've found St Francis de Sales on 96th St...because this place is so ready and willing to welcome new comers! I love watching folks greet each other when they come into church, it's like everyone is a new really is just beautiful to watch and I'm so glad to be a small part of it all.

So, as we move through these lazy days of August, I pray for all our brothers and sisters in the city who are searching for a new parish home. I hope that if they wander by our doors, they come in and receive a warm, caring welcome. I'll be waiting at the doorway to say hello to you. Together, let us follow Jesus where he leads us in our daily lives. What an adventure it promises to be!

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